
I have published or edited over 100 books for young readers, and have worked at major publishing companies including Penguin, Dorling Kindersley, William Morrow, and Scholastic. Currently, I am a consulting editor and writing coach  as well as an author. My young adult novel The Glow Stone (Peachtree, 2006) was a Bank Street Best Book of the Year, and I received two Hopwood Awards for my short fiction. I have won scholarships for writing residencies at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Auvillar, France, and Sweet Briar, Virginia, the Cranbrook Institute in Bloomfield, Michigan, and the Dorset Colony House in Vermont.  I have accepted invitations to be a visiting author at the University of Michigan, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and at over a dozen schools and public libraries in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Canada. The University of Pennsylvania’s Creative Minds series engaged me to present writing workshops via video conference to Pennsylvania schools. My live presentations “Living to Tell the Tale” and “Fiction Rocks!” give middle and high school students a window into the life of a working author. Learning Leaders of New York chose me to lead creative writing workshops, and, as a teacher at LEAP (Learning through an Expanded Arts Program), I developed and taught classes in creative writing and bookmaking for New York middle school students. I have taught writing and literature with the Rutgers University pre-college program, REaCH.

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